Tuesday 4 November 2014

 02:06      No comments

ManuHi Vinu, How are you? How is your new job?
VinuHi Manu. I am fine. But my job brings me nightmares!
ManuWhy? What’s the problem?
VinuI am entrusted with job of reviewing Working Capital Management system in my organisation and to give suggestions to improve the same. I don’t know even the basics of Working Capital. Don’t know how i am going to do it!
ManuDon’t worry. I’ll take you through the basics of Working Capital Management. It’s all common sense. You can do it.
VinuThanks Manu for confidence building. But tell me, why business entities pay so much attention on Working Capital Management? Is it worth the efforts?
ManuAbsolutely Yes Vinu. You would appreciate it better, if u come across companies which continue to operate regularly despite incurring heavy losses. Some companies, despite reporting good amount of profits, they would find it difficult to continue their operations.
VinuYes. I have come across. It also makes me to think that those entities are giving false accounting reports. How can an entity making profits will become unable to operate? Why is that?
ManuIt’s because of their Working Capital Management. Good Working Capital Management will enable business to grow, where as poor WC Management will put a halt to the operations.
VinuCan you explain that in detail?
ManuLet us assume you want to start a business. Let’s think a big amount. So how much you will be investing?
VinuSay, Rs.10 Crores.
ManuFine. That’s a good start. Now, the amount you invest in the business will be in the form of Capital. So what are the assets you will be acquiring with the capital?
VinuI would acquire Land & Building for Factory, Plant and Machinery for Production purposes and Furniture and Fixtures.
ManuAre you sure?
ManuThen please assign value for each and every item.
ParticularsRs. In Cr.
Land and Building3.00
Plant and Machinery6.00
Furniture and Fixture1.00
ManuSo, your balance sheet should be looking like this:
LiabilitiesRs. In Cr.AssetsRs. In Cr.


Land and Building3.00
Plant and Machinery6.00
Furniture and Fixture1.00
ManuSo now with this investment, your Factory is ready.
ManuWith this you can start the production.
ManuFine. Now a buyer is visiting your factory. He is satisfied with your Factory and Production facilities. He wishes to buy product from you. He would like to place order. Will you be happy?
VinuYes. I should be!
ManuNo! You shouldn’t
ManuHow will you meet the expectation of the customer?
Do you have Raw Materials?
Do you have labourers to work in factory?
Do you have cash to meet operating expenses?
I don’t have any of these.
ManuWhy did this happen to you?
VinuIt happened because I have used all my capital for creating long term assets. I never gave thought on capital required for working purposes.
ManuExactly. You have not assessed what is the capital required for your working purposes. You focussed only on creating long term assets. This is the mistake many entrepreneurs were doing!
VinuYa! Now I understand. The capital that is required for working of an Organisation is called Working Capital.
ManuCorrect. But don’t jump for conclusion. Let us understand this in detail.
ManuWe stopped, when customer is ready to place order. Is that right?
ManuOk. Let’s say, the customer is placing order for products worth Rs.5 Crs. So what you should do now?
VinuI should purchase Raw Materials.
ManuLet’s say it would be around 60% of Sales Value.
VinuOk. So the Raw materials value Rs.5 Cr x 60% = Rs.3 Cr
ManuCorrect. Then you should engage labourers, consume power, and incur other manufacturing expenses. Let’s assume the cost of all those would be around Rs.1.50 Cr
VinuOk.  So my total cost of production is

Raw Materials = 3.00 Cr
Other Costs     =  1.50 Cr
Total                 =  4.50 Cr
ManuCorrect. Your expected profit will be
Sales Value = 5.00 Cr
Less: Cost    = 4.50 Cr
Profit           = 0.50 Cr
VinuWhat I understand is, without arranging capital for this Rs.4.50 Cr, I cannot produce products to meet the expectation of the customer.
ManuExactly. You can’t even make use of your factory, its infrastructure, furniture, etc.
VinuYes. It is like fuel for a car. Without out fuel car is useless. Then is this my Working Capital?
ManuMay be termed as Initial Working Capital. To kick start the production process.
VinuSo do you mean, Working capital will undergo change?
ManuYes. Understand the following carefully:

a. You have to incur Rs.4.50 Cr to produce the products required by the customer.

b. Let’s say you keep certain stock of Raw Material for one month and your production process takes one month time. It means your funds are locked for two months.

c. But that’s not the end of it. The customer, who has ordered, requires one more month to take delivery. It means you have to carry the finished goods for one month. So your funds are locked for three months (i.e, in Raw Material, in conversion process and in Finished Goods).

d. What is the guarantee he will pay it in cash immediately? Say, the customer needs one month credit. So your funds are locked for four months.
VinuYes. I am not going to get back this Rs.4.50 Cr for next 4 months.
ManuYes. This is your working capital cycle. The time involved between cash payment for purchase of raw materials and cash receipt out of sale proceeds.
VinuSo do you mean, I have to make investment of Rs.4.50 Cr along with my original investment of Rs.10 Cr? That’s big amount? How do I manage?
ManuIt’s not necessary you have to make all the investment! You may get support of some outsiders.
ManuSundry Creditors, Bankers etc
VinuCan you please elaborate on that?
ManuNow you understand your funds were locked for 4 months and its value is Rs.4.50 Cr. You cannot afford to wait for sale of above products, get money and start another batch of production. If you do so, you will be doing only three cycles in a year(12 months / 4 months) and your turnover will be just Rs.15 Cr (Rs.5 Cr/4 months x 12 months).
VinuAgreed! I can visualise that. I should move on. I should get support from others to ensure continuous production!
ManuAsk your Raw Material suppliers to give you credit for 1 month. Your Raw Material cost is Rs.3.00 Cr. So, you get funding support their for one month!
Your other costs comprise Labour, Power, Manufacturing Expenses. Pay these costs by month end.
So, you enjoy one month credit for all your expenses.
VinuYes. It means my funds were not locked for 4 months but only for 3 months.
ManuExactly. You got that right. You need funding support for 3 months only. Because, support from creditors will reduce your need for capital.
VinuGot that point!
ManuLet us annualise the assumptions:
a. Your sales order was Rs.5.00 Cr.
b. Let’s say these sales would take place every month.
c. So your annual sales should be Rs.5 Cr x 12 months = Rs.60 Crs
d. Your raw material cost is Rs.3 Cr x 12 months = Rs.36 Crs
e. Your others costs were Rs.1.50 Cr x 12 months = Rs.18 Crs
f. Your profit is Sales (60 Crs) – Cost (54 Crs) = Rs.6 Crs
g. You may have to keep one month raw material as stock – Rs.3 Crs
h. You understand your production process takes one month time period. Your total production cost is Rs.54 Crs for 12 months. Total production cost per month is Rs.4.50 Cr. So funds locked in production are Rs.4.50 Cr.
i. You have to keep the finished goods for one month – So its value is Rs.4.50 Cr.
j. Again, customer would take one month time to pay you back. Your monthly sales is Rs.5.00 Cr but cost is only Rs.4.50 Cr. You need funding support only for the cost and not for the profit. Mind that!
VinuOk. Let me tabulate the areas, where funds are locked.

ParticularsHolding LevelValue (Rs. In Cr)
Raw Material Stock1 Month 3.00
Process Stock1 Month 4.50
Finished Goods1 Month 4.50
Receivables1 Month 4.50
Total4 Months17.50

Correct me if i am wrong.
ManuYou are right, but you have not factored the credit available from Raw Material Suppliers and others.
VinuYes! I recollect. Raw Material suppliers were ready to extend credit for one month and other expenses were also paid in monthly intervals. It means we have one month funding support
Raw Material Monthly Purchases = Rs.3 Crs
Other Monthly Expenses = Rs.1.50 Cr
ManuGood! Factor them in your table.
Raw Material Stock30 days 3.00
Process Stock30 days 4.50
Finished Goods30 days 4.50
Receivables30 days 4.50
Total120 days17.50
Sundry Creditors30 days(3.00)
Other Expenses(1.50)
Working Capital90 days13.00
ManuSo now, you appreciate that regular funding support required is for Rs.13 Crs only and not Rs.17.50 Crs.
VinuYes! But it’s alarming now. I was wondering how Rs.4.50 Cr will be brought in as capital for Working Capital. But now you the picture is Rs.13.00 Cr
This is the reality which many companies fail to realise. They will have very little provision for Working Capital which will significantly affect their efficiency and performance.
VinuI agree with that! But Working Capital required for this company is huge now and beyond our means! Why it is so heavy?
ManuIt is because,
Always you have to keep one month stock of raw materials.
Your process is also one month.
You want to hold finished goods for one month.
You cannot tell your customer you will not give credit.
VinuThen what is role I have to play in my organisation? When working capital is pre-determined by all these levels, what I can do further?
ManuYou can! You have to revisit the holding period of all the above.
ManuYou have to check whether the company is actually required to maintain one month level of stock. Is it Economic Level? Whether the company is going to incur idle cost for holding Raw Material for One Month? What are the Pros and Cons? Identify? Test whether Economic Order Quantity / JIT are being applied?
VinuCorrect. I have learnt these techniques in costing.
ManuThen apply that in Working Capital Management. Probably, the study of Raw Material holding period may tell you, 10 days stocks of Raw Material may be sufficient.
VinuTrue. If my Raw Material holding is 10 days only, my investment in Raw Material will become Rs.1 Cr against Rs.3 Cr.
ManuWell said! Then also explore ways for reducing processing time. Now you take one month for processing the product. Explore ways to reduce that.
VinuOk. I’ll engage technical team and will bring down the time period to 20 days from 30 days.
ManuSo now you have investment of Rs.4.50 Cr in process stock for 30 days. It will become Rs.3 Cr for 20 days.
VinuYa...That’s savings by Rs.1.50 Cr
ManuNow also explore ways for reducing finished goods holding level from the present 30 days. Effective marketing strategy would bring more customers and so you may not be forced to keep finished goods in stock for 30 days. Target 15 days Finished Goods only.
VinuOk. So my investment in Finished goods should be Rs.2.25 Crs against Rs.4.50 Cr
ManuNegotiate for better credit terms with customers. Also explore offering them cash discount if they are ready to make rapid payments. This would bring down the credit period. You should target in such a way it comes down atleast by 10 days.
VinuOk. If I do that, my debtors will come down from Rs.4.50 Cr (30 days) to Rs.3.00 Cr (20 days)
ManuSince, you are doing all these downsizing you may not get much support from your creditors. So find out what would be your revised working capital.
VinuLet me do that!
ParticularsOld Working CapitalNew Working Capital
Raw Material Stock30 days 3.0010 days1.00
Process Stock30 days 4.5020 days3.00
Finished Goods30 days 4.5015 days2.25
Receivables30 days 4.5020 days3.00
Total120 days17.5065 days9.25
Sundry Creditors30 days(3.00)30 days(3.00)
Other Expenses(1.50)(1.50)
Working Capital90 days13.0035 days4.75
Manu Look at the difference!
VinuWow...That’s significant drop from Rs.13  Crs to Rs.4.75 Crs. Whopping Rs.8.25 Cr
ManuYes. That is possible, when you review each and every item of your working capital components critically
VinuNow I understand my responsibility for my new assignment. I’ll review the present working capital composition and would advice my management accordingly.
ManuThat’s great. When your working capital requirement comes down because of judicious investment in components of WC, it would bring sizeable savings in cost and improve the overall profit margins of the company. But you should also keep in mind, low working capital also has risk associated with it.
VinuWhat is that?
ManuIts opportunity loss. You may be missing some new customers or additional orders because of low level of inventory holding. If you be rigid on your credit terms, customers may jump to competitors.
VinuUnderstood! So we have to strike a balance and reach what is known as Optimum Working Capital.
ManuGreat. You got the theory and logics behind Working Capital Management.
VinuStill something is troubling me.
ManuWhat is that?
VinuWhether Working capital should be invested only by the owners?
ManuNot necessary.
VinuPlease explain.
ManuYou have arrived your working capital like this:

Raw Material Stock10 days1.00
Process Stock20 days3.00
Finished Goods15 days2.25
Receivables20 days3.00
Total (Gross Working Capital)65 days9.25
Sundry Creditors30 days(3.00)
Other Expenses(1.50)
Working Capital35 days4.75

Your Gross Working Capital is Rs.9.25 Crs of which Rs.4.50 Cr has already been funded by Sundry Creditors and Others Expense Providers.
Manua. Balance Working Capital of Rs.4.75 Cr should be funded.

b. It can be funded partially with the support of Banker.

c. Generally, Bankers will be funding 75% of WC assets which is Rs.9.25x75%= Rs.6.94 Cr.

d. Since, Creditors and others have already funded to the extent of Rs.4.50 Cr., Bankers would be funding the balance.
VinuLet me tabulate that. Correct me if I am wrong!
ParticularsRs. In Cr.
Working Capital Assets9.25
  75% of WC Assets (9.25 x 75%)
Less: Funding already available from Creditors and Others (4.50)
Banking Funding available for WC2.44
ManuYou are correct!
VinuSo, I have a breather now. Out of Rs.4.75 Cr, Bankers will be funding Rs.2.44 Cr.
ManuTrue. Now let us capture funds to be invested by you as Owner in the Working Capital of the Company:
Working Capital Funding required4.75
Less: Credit available from Bankers(2.44)
Funds to be invested by Owners in Working Capital2.31
VinuIt’s cool to hear. Investment in Working Capital has come down from the original level of Rs.4.50 Cr to Rs.2.31 Cr
ManuCorrect. But it is true, only when you ensure funds are arranged from other sources as we discussed (One month credit from Sundry Creditors and One Month Payment period for other expenses) Any set back from them would necessitate you to invest more.
VinuGot that! Now i have clear understanding of What is Working Capital Cycle and its Management. Thank you very much Manu. You made my day!
ManuGlad that you appreciate the logics! Wishing you all the very best.


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