Friday 7 November 2014

 02:42      No comments
Tally is commonly known to people as an accounting software which is widely used in India as well as abroad. But it is much more than just an accounting software. It is a complete package for managing a business and its allied operations.

Well, I am not going talk about features of Tally in this article. Rather I am going to talk about something that we can learn from Tally and can implement in our lives which will eventually make our living better.

Some characteristics that Tally exhibits is the core part of this article. Tally was founded by Shyam Sunder Goenka and today it is used in more than 100 countries excluding India. Being an Indian that is a massive success anyone has achieved in software industry outside India.

So what can we learn from Tally that will make our lives better? Here are the five characteristics that Tally reflects which anyone can implement to make his or her life better.

1. Simple – Tally is the simplest accounting software I have used till date. It is so simple that it even runs on low end computer because of its less usage of resources. The overall layout is also so much simple that anyone can easily understand what it wants to convey.

If we can be a little bit simple in our lives, we will be happier. Our lives are too complicated including me and we complicate it. Just do what you want to. Tell anyone what you want or say something you like. Just do it. It makes life less complicated a bit simpler. Simplicity gives you relief and complication exhaust you. Start just by doing one thing a day in a direction of making it simple. I’ve tried it and it works very well.

2. Colourful – Have you ever noticed that there are number of colours in Tally? For example in Accounting Vouchers, there are different colours for different vouchers. Other than that the overall software is colourful too. Main colour of Tally is green that spreads positivity.

By introducing colours in our life we can make it more enjoyable. Be a child for some time and do funny things. Step apart from daily routine for at least a day in a month and do something that you have never done before. This will add more colours to your life. I always enjoy being a kid as kids are more natural and colourful than adults. On this statement you will also agree with me.

3. Detailed – Everybody knows how detailed Tally is. From anywhere in Tally you can go to the core of that particular component. For example, from Balance Sheet you can directly go to the journal entry. Detailing is done in a great manner that makes Tally stand out from other accounting software.

If we adopt not wholly but partly the detailing in our work lives, it will help us in a great manner. If you are preparing for a presentation, do utmost detailing or if you are discussing a deal, discuss it with every detail so in future no issues come up. If you are studying, study with every detail and you will be master in your subject.

4. Robust – Tally is very robust. You can navigate in Tally as fast as your fingers can press the keyboard keys. Robustness is in every portion of Tally. From passing entries to exporting and printing reports, Tally is having awesome robustness.

Well, robustness is something that we all want. We want to be fast and furious in everything we do. But robustness comes at a cost of investing in basics which in effect comes back to the third point above which is detailing. If we want to do something at high speeds we have to first know everything about it otherwise it is impossible to do so. By being robust you will be able to save some precious time of your life which can be spent on more productive things.

5. Updated – Tally is updated with every advancement that comes, whether it is by government or it is by demand. They release updates so the software can be usable in the latest circumstances. People will only use it if it supports what is being demanded currently otherwise they will shift on to some other software that offers updates.

This applies to our lives too. Why people say there is a generation gap between parents and children? There is no generation gap, there is a mind-set gap. Most parents think the way their parents thought and not the way their children are thinking. They are not updated to present environment and therefore they are unable to understand their children. Every parent is true in its sense but if you just know how your children thinks or what they want you can have friendship with your children rather than being a parent.

One more example of updating yourself is regarding your business or profession. If do not know what is currently happening in your business or profession you cannot remain in the business or profession in which you are. Updating is the essence of success.

These are the five life learning lessons from Tally. These are solely my views and if you agree, that’s okay. If you disagree, that’s okay too. Everybody has their own views.

At the end all I want to say is that if a non-living software can inspire us in this way we can surely improve our life and create something new and wonderful.

Why Tally inspired me? Because I am a big fan of Tally and I write about uses of Tally from basics to advance on TallySchool.


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